Name Lilith Catharina Eden
Age 18 years
Height 1,56 meters (5'1")
Weight 51 kilogram (112 lbs)
Birthday 16. November (Scorpio)
Crush Castiel (Sweet Amoris)
Family Lucifer (halfbrother)
Icarus (adopted brother and cousin)
Nathaniel & Amber (Sweet Amoris; halfsiblings)
Nationality french, portuguese & indian
Languages english, french, german
Style grunge, rock, sexy
The Squad
Kali and Lilith are best friends. They are in the same class and are the same age. They both love to read books very much, but are opposites in any other way, which is kind of funny.
They also go out with best friends, since Lysander is Kali's and Castiel is Lilith's boyfriend.
Stacie is the little sister of Lilith's best friend Kali and the girlfriend of her half-brother Nathaniel. They admire each other and are good friends. Lilith has a little crush on Stacie, but hides it.
Cheyce is Shailenes best friend and she is in the same squad with Lilith. The funniest thing is that even though Cheyce is two years younger than Lilith, she is much bigger.