
Art by IdontNO-ono (DA)
Art by IdontNO-ono (DA)

Name Aimee

Age 25 years
Height 1,61 meters (5'3")
Weight 56 kilogram (86 lbs)
Birthday 20.08. (Leo)

Universe Eldarya

Species Kitsune

Crush Valkyon 

by MOTHsan (Instagram)
by MOTHsan (Instagram)

Rage Mode

When Aimee is made very angry and loses control over herself, she gets into "rage mode". She will change from her usual happy and naive nature to a cold, aggressive bitch and will literally kill everything around her, friend or foe, because she can't control her powers fully yet. The older she gets the more control she will have and eventually she will be able to attack just the person(s) she wants to attack.